Friday, June 8, 2018

#MeToo, Sort of

What if you have no goals? Then what? This has been my problem for most of my life. Sure, I've had small ones that I accomplish and move on, like finishing a painting or buying more cat food or graduating college. But none with a capital G -- no guiding star for my life, like curing cancer. Of course I would have loved to be the one who finds a cure for cancer, but I hated calculus, and besides, I never could use laboratory animals as test subjects.

So here I sit, alive and kicking and unemployed since my husband pays for everything. Often at a loss as to how to spend my time, I have volunteered at more organizations than I can remember and never felt the slightest bit of personal satisfaction from whatever task I was given to perform, primarily because anything important or meaningful in any organization is done by a staffer who gets paid. I did enjoy working in our community food bank dispensing food to the needy, until a snooty couple dressed to the nines came in and balked at the fact that we only had French's mustard and they far preferred Grey Poupon. After blurting out, "Beggars can't be choosers," I realized I had lost my heart for the job and resigned.

To fix my what-to-do problem, at least temporarily, I attended a job fair yesterday at Maine's only Whole Foods store, located in downtown Portland. The organic supermarket recently bought by Amazon is always bustling and full of good vibes, and it seemed like a few days a week there would balance out the solitary days spent at my easel. I was interviewed by three different employees, one who could have been my grandson and the other two my sons. They seemed to like me and made just a few references to my advanced age, pointing out that many "younger people" had also applied and that "younger people" were willing to work weekends and holidays and "younger people" could lift heavy things if necessary. I told one of them that I work out twice a week with a personal Crossfit trainer and he whistled, adding "Wow, that's amazing!" (I hope that didn't sound too boastful.)

I hope I get the job and will find out later today. But I'm sort of thinking if I don't get it for whatever reason, I could do what everyone else does these days and sue them, only for age discrimination instead of sexual harassment. (Although that one guy did whistle at me.) Anyway, the big boss is Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man. Those are some deep pockets.

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Good Luck Donald!

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