Friday, January 16, 2015

White Hollywood

This morning many liberals are foaming at the mouth directly into their already foamy Starbucks lattes over the fact that there were no "people of color" nominated for an Oscar --announced yesterday -- in the Best Actor, Actress or Director categories. 

OHMIGOD! The lack of diversity! The Oprah was snubbed! And what about Selma????!!!  Martin Luther King, snubbed!!!! How dare they??? What will happen? Riots? Sit-ins on the Red Carpet? Where is Joan Rivers when we need her most????

I assume nominations are based on the merits of the performances, so I'm guessing there just weren’t any real standouts in those categories by those people this time around. After all, besides the fact that the president of the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences is a black woman, white people have been known to act and direct quite well, setting a high bar.

Meanwhile, nobody is complaining that 67% of all players in the NFL are black, or that in 2013, African-Americans comprised 76.3 % of all NBA players, while 81% were players "of color." I'd say we need a little more diversity in our complaints about no diversity.

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