Thursday, January 8, 2015

Netflix Trumps Jesus

            Gordon Studer                    
Most people agree that the invention of the wheel was a pretty big deal. But really, think about it: With no wheels we would have no traffic, and wouldn't that be a plus? And certainly no 18-wheelers, a situation that would elicit applause from everyone, especially comedian Tracy Morgan who was severely injured by one of the horrid behemoths last year. No, just forget the wheel. Instead, it's pretty obvious that the #1 invention of all time has got to be Netflix, something I never realized  until this week.

Despite having had access to Netflix for over a year, I never learned how to work it. It was only on those rare occasions when my husband was home and we decided to watch a movie that the subject ever came up, and that was only after the local Blockbuster closed. But this week, stuck at home sick, I have plumbed the depths of Netflix and now my heart literally aches for those who must live without it.

Today, without even getting off the couch, I started a Woody Allen movie that was a dog. It was called "Scoop" and you probably never heard of it and I have already said more words than it warrants, anyway I got rid of it with a flick of my thumb and went back to Search. There at my fingertips were thousands of movies and TV shows, including every episode, by name, of the original "Twilight Zone" series. It's truly a miracle. I now believe in Netflix more than Jesus because I have never seen Jesus but I have seen Netflix and it is spectacular, better even than Extra-strength Tylenol, which is another great invention superior to the wheel, although it is round. (Use with caution as when taken for prolonged periods it may cause delusional thinking.)

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