Friday, December 23, 2011

Keeping Guns Off the Streets

Following is an entry in the Police Beat column of The Northern Forecaster, a local community newspaper:

"12/11 at 10:28 AM: Police responded to a call to Presumpscot River Park where the caller's dog had just unearthed a rifle wrapped in a blanket left in the park. Police took custody of the .22 rifle and scope, which was not loaded, and did a trace on it. The gun was sold in Milwaukee, Wis. in 1988, but there was no record of the owner. The gun will remain in Falmouth for a year, after which the police will destroy it."

We will certainly all breathe a little easier then.

1 comment:

  1. Deneb loves the destroying part!!! Every gun the police comes across should get the same fate.


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