Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Republican Debate. Yawn.

In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights of the most recent debate between the candidates for the GOP nomination. They all wore ties except Michele Bachmann. She wore a lot of makeup and her hair up. These are the ties they wore:

Red: Rick Perry, Newt, Ron Paul
Blue: Jon Huntsman
Striped red and white: Rick Santorum
White dots on blue: Mitt Romney

Neil Cavuto--true he's only a moderator but still his mommy is watching--obviously got dressed in the dark, which is the only explanation for the tie/shirt/jacket thing he has going on. (It's a blue tie, BTW.)

Jon Huntsman looks like a lady. I'm sorry but he does, I'm pretty sure he's a cross-dresser. Not gay, but likes to wear pantyhose.

Rick Santorum has a "Made in the USA" plan. He looks about 15--he can't seriously think he could be elected, can he? He is promising to repeal every Obama regulation passed in the last three years--talk about a giant step backwards.

Mitt uses his hands too much. So does Newt; in fact I suspect they both use the same hand coach. Anyway, they are the only serious candidates and thus are not all that funny.

Hey--just in case you fell off a turnip truck yesterday, Rick Perry has been Governor of Texas for 11 years, a fact he reminds us of quite often.

Cavuto keeps saying, "Congresswoman Bachmann. Congresswoman Bachmann," every time he asks her a question. Does he really have to say that each time, like she's his Aunt or something?

Lady Huntsman wants to project "values of goodness," but he keeps talking past his time limit. He got two dings and kept going. Is that goodness?

I hate Governor Perry. Why? Just because. (And I am allowed to vote, so that just goes to show you: Be afraid.... be very afraid.)

Lady Huntsman says, quite emphatically, "the American people are getting screwed." That's Mormon talk for ya...

Aunt Michele says, "As president, I will stand on the side of truth." Well then, I say we swear her in right now.

Final Thoughts:
Lady Huntsman says, "We need to be who we are."
Young Santorum says, "We have to fight the good fight!"
Odd Ron Paul sums it up with, "There are some things that are below the belt."

What a bunch.


  1. The debate is over for not even 5 minutes but already we have Andrea Rouda to tell us who was the worst dressed and what ties they all, except for the congresswoman, wore! Now, if only we could tell whether red ties make better presidents like they do salespeople!

  2. Deneb says: Thank you for the recap, Andrea. What do you think about Rocky Anderson's new Justice party? There's presidential aspirations in the Utah water. That's what scares me.


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