Saturday, September 14, 2024

Giggling Idiots Eating Pets

Upon careful reflection of the current political scene, I have concluded that the old saying -- no matter who said it -- that "We get the leaders we deserve," is right on the money. And here in America, no matter who we get we will have deserved him/her.

Americans are a foolish lot. They staunchly believe they rule the world despite being very low on the global rankings of our students in everything that matters, and high on the list of big, fat beef-eaters having heart attacks, strokes and cancer.

They eschew thoughtful tomes written by great philosophers of the past or present, preferring claptrap called "beach reads" pushed by the advertisers in The New York Times Book Review. They binge-watch inane TV shows and dutifully follow fads created by the evil geniuses who rake in all the dough. Examples: They paint their houses "This Year's Color" and traipse around in jeans ripped to shreds, paying extra for each hole. 

They pierce themselves in the nose and the tongue and anywhere else they can think of, making even pretty people look hideous. As for the tattoos -- OMG, don't even get me started. Is there anything worse than a really fat lady sporting a tattoo of a dainty rose on her elephantine calf?

Unthinking, uncaring, undisciplined and unoriginal sheep, they will vote for whoever they are told by the likes of the moronic ladies on "The View," who surely embody the nadir of artistic endeavors. And they don't even know what nadir means. (Relax, dear reader, I'm certainly not talking about you.)

Both presidential candidates of the moment lack the depth, strength, equanimity and intellect to lead a great nation. But America is no longer a great nation, as evidenced by the very candidates themselves: Trump wrongly repeats that immigrants are eating people's cats and dogs, while Kamala is simply a giggling idiot who promises free housing and health care for Venezuelan drug lords and free transgender surgery for prisoners. 

Out of our 337,088,081 citizens, it's inconceivable that we haven't found just two better leaders. But then, apparently we got who we deserve. 

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