Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Trump Was Right

CNN reporters Jake Tapper and Dana Bash
Oh dear -- the level of misinformation, disinformation and just plain idiocy that is the very basis of the Democratic Party is almost as scary as the thought of another term of President Biden gradually morphing into President Kamala Harris.

This morning I received the following comment in response to my "liking" another person's comment online: "obviously you have drunken the bleach like president trump told you too."

Besides her pathetic grammatical errors, the woman was dead wrong. Like many of her kind, sheeplike followers of CNN, she stupidly believed that President Trump once told people to drink bleach to treat Covid. 

He never said anything of the kind, but that didn't prevent so-called reporters Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash from saying he did. The following clarification is from Newsweek fact-checkers:

 "Trump did speculatively raise the question of medical experts researching disinfectants as a possible COVID treatment. And though he initially touted an 'injection inside or a cleaning,' he clarified in the same press conference that any treatment he was speculating on would not be through injections. Despite Trump's dubious, conjectural and inarticulate comments, he did not directly suggest that people inject themselves with disinfectant."

The worst part of the first Trump administration was the lies spread about him by the liberal press, causing him to call them "the enemy of the people." Let's hope they do better in his next term.

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Good Luck Donald!

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