Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Shut Up and Stick Out Your Arm

I'm no conspiracy theorist although I often see what's driving them. I am also not a spineless birdbrain willing to swallow whatever pap is fed me by the government and regurgitated through the media. These two facts combine into a slight but nagging reluctance to get the Covid-19 vaccine, the incessant touting of which brings to mind The Stepford Wives and The Invasion of the Body-Snatchers, two old movies that deal with losing your own mind and having it replaced with one more compliant. (Both films are fantastic, including the originals and the remakes, as well as the books of the same name upon which they are based.) 

An article in today's Wall Street Journal cements my suspicions that not all is kosher with our government, regardless of which political party is in charge. "YouTube Cancels the U.S. Senate" discusses two videos that were censored by Google, at the behest of the National Institute of Health, concerning a drug called ivermectin that cut the chance of contracting Covid to zero in a study of 1,200 Argentinian health care workers. As the writer states, "They have decided there is only one medical viewpoint allowed, and it is the viewpoint dictated by government agencies."

This reminded me of the brouhaha over the therapeutic drug hydroxychloroquine. Early on, many patients and doctors reported that it was a "lifesaver." Then President Trump started touting it and suddenly it was deemed to be worthless. Hey, I'm no doctor and I know relatively little about medicine. But sometimes it seems like our government is trying to kill us with kindness.

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