Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Post-Vaccine Willies

So I get there and first thing some lady takes my temperature at the door, then directs me inside to a woman behind a computer. She takes my driver's license and looks at the photo to make sure it's really me. I am wearing two masks, a wool cap and sunglasses. She decides it's me, God knows how (see photo). She hands me several pages of reading material and forms to fill out. I go on to the form-filling-out room.

First thing I read is that the Covid-19 vaccine may cause severe reactions, possibly resulting in my death. I must admit I was nervous going in, but that really put me at ease. It went on to say that the vaccine was not really FDA-approved, that it might work and it might not, and that I could still get Covid even if it does work, so I need to keep masking, washing, and blah blah blahing. So now why am I doing this? My husband says just do it. I sign everything, agreeing to the fact that if I die it won't be anyone's fault but my own. And Mitch's. (Mostly Mitch's.)

Since I had checked off the box saying I do have severe reactions to certain things (bee stings, spider bites, mosquito bites) I had to stay an extra 15 minutes to be monitored, making it 30 minutes in all. But no worries since I wasn't even out of there in 45 minutes. That's how long it took to wait on a long line to make my appointment for the second dose.

Anyway, I got the shot. It was fine. A nice lady gave it to me, and oddly enough my arm felt sore almost immediately, like within five seconds. This was unusual, I thought, but then it seemed to feel better after about ten more minutes. On the drive home I got very sleepy --luckily Mitch was driving -- and once home I was exhausted. 

I'd say the most severe reaction is that suddenly I don't think Nancy Pelosi is a bad person after all. And Chuck Schumer, what a doll -- how have I misjudged both of them all these years? And Maxine Waters is such a sweet old lady, why did I ever dislike her? As for Joe Biden, what a mensch!

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