Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Next Bad Thing

As if we needed another reason to stay locked in our homes, now the so-called "Murder Hornet" has been sighted in Washington State and Oregon and is projected to wing its way to the East Coast in a couple of years, just about the time we get the all-clear following the Covid-19 lockdown. They're hornets, only much bigger and a lot meaner: With a two-inch-long stinger they inject their venom and, being carnivores, proceed to rip the heads off their prey. So far the victims have been bees and the occasional baby mouse. If they ever get big enough to rip the heads off of people I'm outta here. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but China has been dealing with them all along upto now, right? That's where they are from, right?


Good Luck Donald!

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