Monday, April 6, 2020

Event 201: Read It and Weep

 Event 201 swag: A cute stuffed coronavirus!
Hey, if you're stuck inside -- and who isn't?-- with little to do, and you're tired of hearing the same old news about how terrible a job Trump is doing and how he's pushing hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has worked well for many people but apparently not well enough for Anderson Cooper or any of the other Democrat talking heads at CNN and MSNBC who would never, ever say anything good about POTUS, get comfortable, grab a cup of coffee or maybe a glass of wine (depending on the time of day), Google "Event 201" and settle in for an interesting read that will keep you enthralled, amazed, stunned, confused and very pissed off that nobody in the mainstream media ever mentions it, instead devoting every minute to the alleged missteps of Donald Trump
(who is doing a hell of a good job if you ask me), his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and whatever crumbs they can unearth in hopes of winning the election next November.

Trust me, it's a real eye-opener!

1 comment:

  1. interesting, a lot of videos for this event 20 are being blocked from seeing....disturbing :(


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