Friday, February 20, 2015

Getting to Know You

Recently a friend of mine who runs a pet sitting service asked me to help write a survey to see if her clients are satisfied. I said, "Hey, if they pay the bill and hire you again, they are." Still, she remains eager for details, insisting it will be a helpful tool. Besides, she wants them to be happy. I wondered, should I do one about this blog?

Then this morning I received a "customer satisfaction" survey from my eye doctor wanting to know how I am feeling about my recent visit. All I had to do was drop everything and spend half an hour checking off boxes labelled "Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, Not Applicable. "

That did it! I decided I do need a survey, but with better choices that more closely approximate how people really think. So if you've got the time, I'd appreciate your feedback.

For each of the following statements choose the response that most closely describes your feelings:
Absolutely, I Love It!
I Could Care Less
I Hate You For Asking
I Forget
When Hell Freezes Over

Begin The Daily (Zen)Droid survey here:
1. Most blogs are valuable tools offering pithy insights into society's current values.
2. Reading The Daily (zen)Droid is the best thing I do all day.
3. The best post was the one suggesting Keith Olbermann should die.
4. I enjoy reading The Daily (zen) Droid and would recommend it to my friends.
5. The blog name should be changed to more accurately reflect its author's mission.
6. President Obama is the worst president in history.
7. People who leave their dogs locked inside cars in below-freezing temperature while they go shopping at L. L. Bean for warm clothing or go for lunch in a cozy restaurant should be shot or at the very least publicly mocked.
8. Hillary Clinton has a fat ass.
9. "Boyhood" should definitely win Best Everything.
10. I never liked Bill Cosby anyway.

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