Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pieces of a Life

Many people sign on for boring, unimaginative, paper-pushing 9 to 5 jobs early in life and plug away at them until old age. This does make the weekends and holidays more fun, when you have "free time," whereas for artists, writers and the unemployed, it's all one day and all time is "free." What to do with it, after all? Read books, go on a diet, exercise, shop, read, plant a garden, do a jigsaw puzzle. What's that--do a jigsaw puzzle? How dorky can you get?

The answer is pretty damn dorky. We received one as a gift after my husband's recent shoulder surgery, from friends who admitted that they would "never do such a thing," and were happy to pass it along as a form of therapy for Mitch. It's something you can do with one hand only, which is what he had operating all last month.

Since the Oxycodone wasn't working, he gave the puzzle a try. It seemed to take Mitch's mind off his pain, and with the addition of a fine red wine, it's a fun way to stimulate the brain cells and stave off Alzheimer's. An added bonus: when you finish it (see photo) you feel a real sense of accomplishment. Depending on how much wine you drink, this can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Our second puzzle is now spread out on the dining room table, along with another bottle of wine. Hoping we don't turn into a couple of drunks.


  1. Very proud of Mitch (and you). I don't have the patience to do puzzles. I think he needs some sweets to go with that wine. LOL! Since I am the Gabby of the Gabby & Hil, he can reap the benefits of my upcoming advanced cake decorating class. Someone has to eat this stuff. Hang in there Mitch and you too Andrea!


  2. can't wait to get home and attack that solid blue sky again!
    -- wounded warrior

  3. MITCH! You look fabulous! Look at that waistline (lack thereof). wow.
    I love jigsaw puzzles.
    I hope the shoulder is mending and that Andrea gets a huge gift (more artwork like the top one behind you there) for nursing you thru the tough spots. She is a saint.


Anatomy of A Protest

If, like the throngs of clueless students at Bowdoin College who attended an anti-Israel protest last weekend, you think Benjamin Netanyahu ...