Thursday, September 1, 2011

I May Throw Up

There is a new apartment building in New York City that has an elevator for your car, allowing you to drive to your front door even though it's in a skyscraper. The "En Suite Sky Garage" saves the wear and tear on your leg muscles caused by walking from a traditional parking garage elevator to your apartment door, adding perhaps days to your life in the long run. But perks like this don't come cheap: Units in the building are in the area of six million. Film star Nicole Kidman bought one, which is surprising since you'd think she would have exhausted her fortune on all that plastic surgery--her top lip alone could probably pay for my son's law school. (No, he's not going but I can dream, can't I?)

I wonder how people think this stuff up, then how they have the guts to share their ideas with someone, then how they all decide to go forward with the idea, when half the world is starving. Does having oodles of money totally wipe out three-quarters of your brain along with all of your conscience, or just all of your conscience?


  1. Only if you are a lawyer.

  2. And a TV producer and a Hollywood star and a famous New York City "star" architect, like the one who designed this building.


Anatomy of A Protest

If, like the throngs of clueless students at Bowdoin College who attended an anti-Israel protest last weekend, you think Benjamin Netanyahu ...