Monday, November 21, 2022

A Reluctant Thanksgiver

Politics is a game that is played the world over. If you don't play you are left out of a lot of very grown-up sounding conversations, but you also have a lot more time to do other things. I choose to not play, so I am forced to find some of those other things to do. Lately, I seem to be running out of alternatives and so am considering running for office. (Just kidding.)

I used to spend my days making art, but as people do not seem interested in buying my art I have lost interest in it. I mean how many paintings can you have in your home? 

For none of the above am I thankful. But I better think of something, because this week has a big "thing" in the middle of it called Thanksgiving, and it's right there in the name what's expected of you. I have no idea what it's for ever since I saw Dances With Wolves recently. Those Indians did not like us, nor we them, at least at first. Exactly what is the feast all about? This is the one with the Pilgrims? Are there any Pilgrims left today?

Anyway, I have resisted doing this turkey holiday thing as it's pretty well played if you ask me. I was hoping instead to go out for sushi. But as part of a married couple, well let's just say that greater minds prevailed. Last year I made something else, I think it was brisket, and the guests complained, actually they whined miserably about my culinary decision. ("What, no turkey? Are you kidding? How is this even Thanksgiving?")  Still I stood my ground, toying with other menu options, until today when I went and brought a turkey that now sits in the fridge, dominating everything else in there. 

So it looks like T-day is a go. Which means I have to come up with some things I am thankful for since that's one of the things you do besides eat, say what you're thankful for. (If I could say what I'm not thankful for I could go on for much longer, but that's not in the job description.) Anyway, here they are:

1. Taking Miralax every night has fixed my IBS-C problem, without the $500/month pill my doctor prescribed. 

2. Bibi is back. I love that.

3. I only have to bake a pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving because someone else is bringing an apple pie. That's a load off.

4. I don't have COVID, and I have never had COVID.

5. The usual: Roof over my head, bed to sleep in, clothes to wear, food to eat, healthy son, and all that kind of thing.

I guess at dinner I'll just expound on #5.          

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