Thursday, October 27, 2022

What's Worse, Ablest or Racist?

I may get a set of these for my dining room table.
I was reading the paper this morning about the recent debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz,  the candidates running for senator in Pennsylvania, and I learned that the only people who thought Fetterman did poorly were those guilty of "ableism."  At its heart, ableism is rooted in the assumption that disabled people require fixing.

This was news to me, and I hurried to find out more about it since I fall in that category of folks who thought Fetterman appeared unfit to carry out the duties of a senator. He might get better someday, or "fixed," but certainly not soon enough. It's been five months since his stroke and he still can't really speak in complete sentences or respond sensibly to much that is asked of him.

But that's my ablest thinking talking! I should not have those thoughts, instead I should think he is superior to most people for having survived a stroke at all, and even put on a suit and get on the stage and stand up behind the lectern, just like normal people. Oops, there I go again, saying he isn't normal. Well hey, not everyone has a stroke, so it is sort of out of the norm, wouldn't you agree?

According to those laughably ridiculous liberals on MSNBC who have nothing better to do than dream up new things that are wrong with America, critics of the Fetterman debate performance were engaging in "ablest" thinking, which is akin to being a racist. To be safe from such criticism, the following phrases are to be avoided:

    • “That’s so lame.”
    • “That guy is crazy.”
    • “It’s like the blind leading the blind.”
    • “My ideas fell on deaf ears.”
    • “She’s such a psycho.”
    • “I don’t even think of you as disabled.”

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