Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Why Can't We All Get Along?

The last week has been a revelation. My husband and I took a trip with another couple whose political beliefs differ from ours and we all got along great. We discussed politics and abortion and Covid and all sorts of things, and even though we generally vote Republican and our friends are committed Democrats, peace reigned. There were even some things we all agreed upon, and when we didn't agree they graciously allowed us to keep our own opinions, unlike people who insist it's their way or the highway.

Good times and good talks filled our days. How is that possible, you may ask? Well, these particular Democrats, who hail from Virginia, are both in possession of their own minds. They do not blindly follow the script put out by the Democrat Party and spread over the airwaves on CNN, MSNBC and PBS, to name but a few out of many.

It's so much fun hanging out with people who think for themselves! These days it's a rare and beautiful thing. Imagine how quickly our problems might be solved if "compromise" is not considered a dirty word.

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