Sunday, May 29, 2022

Singing the American Blues

America is no longer a good place in which to live. In case you disagree, consider the following:

Racism is soaring thanks to the Democrats making everything about race, from appointing a Supreme Court Justice to picking the (grossly ineffective if not downright moronic) Vice-President.

America now ranks as the fattest nation, with fast food joints and ice cream stands everywhere you look, in mall food courts and along the highways, and advertised heavily on the airways. The average American woman today weighs 30 pounds more than her 1960 counterpart. Pizza and heart disease have replaced religion, where just uttering the word "God" in the wrong place can get you fired. 

Our students score abysmally low in reading, writing and math as compared to other nations. Low-scoring high-schoolers get accepted into colleges based on their skin color, then drop out because they are not equipped to do the work.

Abortion is the national sport, with women frantically protesting the possibility of ending the killing of unborn children, claiming it has something to do with "women's health" instead of saying what it really is. (I had three abortions myself and never once considered it a health issue, rather the inconvenience of not wanting to have a baby with the particular man who had fathered it.)

And we have mass murders, pretty much all the time. Teenage boys, and older men too, get their hands on guns and go out and kill as many strangers as possible as quickly as possibly. Nobody wonders why they do it, or addresses the root causes of such blatant mental illness. Instead they just blame the guns instead of the gunman and ultimately excuse the crime by saying it's the fault of the NRA and naturally Donald Trump.

No guns? Okay, then they'll just shove a stranger into the path of a subway car, or ram their van into a crowd of people. Gang wars kill hundreds of young black men each week in a few of our major cities. Countless scores of homeless people sleep and defecate in public in once-lovely cities like San Francisco, LA and New York, all now centers of filth and crime. And our cranky old demented president says it's all "a tragedy" and we're "not gonna take it anymore." 

But there's still a couple of good things about America: You can easily find a doctor who will go ahead and  mutilate your body to change your gender, and you'll get a pat on the back and maybe your own TV show for doing so. And none of the sports teams have Native American names anymore. At least that.

It's Not About Politics

Many years ago, a close old friend of mine from college days declared he could no longer participate in our relationship because I had voted for George W. Bush. "That's it," he said on the phone, and hung up. And just like that our years-long friendship was over! It took me a while to realize that the real reason was something else entirely: I was the only person who knew about his two-year extra-marital affair (with another friend of mine) and he constantly feared I would tell his wife, so he needed me out of the picture. You see, it wasn't about politics at all. 

It never is. Almost every one of my closest friends is a Democrat -- all but one, in fact -- and despite my criticizing liberals in my blog and voting for what they consider the "wrong candidate" in every election, our friendships continue to thrive. Until about a month ago, when a so-called neighborhood friend stormed into my home to scold and berate me about my political beliefs and most of all, my "crude" blog. We have not spoken since.

Her surprise attack was both shocking and sad, especially since her husband (who I like a lot and miss seeing) shares my beliefs. But he wisely, or foolishly, keeps his mouth shut around her "to keep the peace," which is how she likes it. 

After weeks of contemplation I realized there's no fixing things since the real reason for her Pearl Harbor-like condemnation of everything about me is that she never liked me anyway. I know, because I never really liked her either; the friendship was all about our liking for her husband, and she was part of the package. 

The bottom line is that true friendship will not end over politics. If you find that happening in your life, look deeper. What you'll likely find is that there was never any mutual respect or common ground on which to base a friendship to begin with. Living in the same neighborhood rarely means anything more than living in the same neighborhood.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Trump Goes Unquoted

 “If the United States has $40 billion to send to Ukraine, we should be able to do whatever it takes to keep our children safe at home. We spent trillions in Iraq, trillions in Afghanistan, and got nothing. Before we nation-build the rest of the world, we should be building safe schools for our own children in our own nation.” 

So said Donald Trump at the NRA Convention in Houston yesterday. But nobody on the left repeats this because all they want from him is scandal and corruption.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Sorry Mom and Dad, It's On You

According to the mother of the teen-age gunman who shot 19 adorable and innocent children in cold blood, in the face, as he looked straight into their pleading, tearful eyes, her son was "not violent." She was also quoted as saying she was "surprised" by what he did and that she was "not feeling very well right now" and was "upset." Oh gee.

Today the good, sweet, decent townsfolk of Uvalde, Texas are comforting her and "not blaming her." Those are some really nice people. I could not be one of them since I strongly disagree. If not Mom and Dad, then who is to blame? 

Every Republican according to my husband's demented nephew Keith. Every member of the NRA. Any hunter with a rifle, according to all Democrats. And let's not forget everyone who owns a gun for self-defense that they keep locked in a drawer or in a box under the bed. 

Being a mother myself, I'm sticking with Mom and Dad, if for nothing else but withholding their love, offering no support, abandoning him and turning the other cheek despite warning signs like his cutting himself and having no friends. I wonder what drugs Mom was using that allowed her to believe her son was not violent. I might need some of those just to get through the next few weeks processing what he did to the 16,000 residents of Uvalde and to every the student and teacher in America.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Delusional Democrats

My husband's fat, brain-washed nephew Keith posted the usual loony left inanities on Facebook yesterday, as he always does since he is a paid foot-soldier in their army, working for some grass roots pols in his little corner of the world, I forget where but it's nowhere good. Anyway, Keith wrote that the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas was done by Republicans who "all have blood on their hands." He wrote, "Republicans pulled the trigger, no doubt about it."

What an ass, and I don't just mean how big his is, which is mammoth. 

I am a Republican, having morphed into one after many years as a Democrat and then as an Independent, and I was not in Texas at the time. In fact, I have never even been to Texas. Also, I don't own a gun, don't like guns, and have never seen a gun in person. My husband also votes Republican and he was home in Maine at the time of the shooting. He also does not like guns and would never own one. 

Several of my friends vote Republican and none of them travelled to Texas, do not own guns, do not belong to the NRA or have rifles or anything like that.

That dumb-ox Keith is delusional (characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder)!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Ricky Gervais Says What Most People Think

A new Netflix special causing a stir gives British comic Ricky Gervais a bare stage and an hour and 19 minutes to say whatever the heck he wants. Much of it is funny, while some of it is hard to take. In fact, I had to turn it off halfway through because some content concerning cats was a bit too graphic for my tastes.

But the bit he does before that about transgenders is hysterical, and the appreciative audience thought so too. This of course is the part that's making the news, since it is decidedly not woke. Despite that, it's how most people feel in their hearts, not counting the small percent who call themselves transgender or aspire to be so, and maybe their parents.

Ricky mocks the belief that women can have penises. He mocks men in dresses using women's public bathrooms. He mocks pronouns, as if by calling a man "she" or "her" makes everything just fine. He points out all the inane things that make up the whole transgender "movement," and somehow gets away with it. Or he has so far; only time will tell.

Surely George Carlin, Joan Rivers and Don Rickles are laughing in Heaven. They're better off there, since here on Earth they would definitely all be cancelled. 


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Lies They Tell Us

First there was Covid, and now Monkeypox. Obviously God is pissed! And who could blame Him?

* Teaching impressionable kindergarteners that "sometimes the doctors make mistakes when they assign our gender at birth" has become the clarion call of many on the left. This is nothing short of child abuse at the hands of parents and teachers who condone dispensing puberty-blockers to innocent youngsters in order to swell the ranks of transgenders and increase the power of the Democrats.

* Spreading the false notion that obesity is okay through the concept of "fat acceptance" is a sick and twisted ploy of all the corporations that manufacture and package the poisons that line the shelves of our supermarkets, and secondarily the diet and weight-loss industry. The truth is that being fat is ugly and unhealthy.

* Selling the mass murder of unborn children as "a woman's right to choose" and linking abortion to "women's health" is sneaky and untrue. Claiming that poor women will have no options if abortion is made illegal is downright false, since several "morning-after" pills are already on the market and available at the local pharmacy. Simply swallowing a pill following sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy is far easier and cheaper than having a surgical procedure several months down the line.

* Allowing illegal aliens to swarm our southern border, thereby destroying the local economy of the small towns located along it, is a heinous crime with only one goal: more Democrat voters. This practice is presented to the weak-minded as "helping" people who are escaping oppression while ignoring the alarming rise in drugs entering America and fueling the rise of fentanyl overdoses. 

All we can do is vote out those who endorse harmful policies and hope it's not too late to make America great again.

Monday, May 23, 2022

COVID Lessons

Happily, COVID has left our home. It spent nine days with us and was a crummy guest causing us great inconvenience, especially my husband who actually had it living in his body. Hopefully it will not return, although by all reports it might since I have never had it and thus remain a target despite all vaccines and boosters. 

During our COVID week we both took many nasal swab tests. In fact, Mitch and I are now experts at doing so. We also have lots of tests left over for future visits, or if we miss the daily swabbing.

Naturally we could not sleep in the same bed, so I moved into the guest room and discovered how very uncomfortable the bed in there is. I now have remorse for all the guests we have forced to sleep in it over the years and will be buying a new guest bed immediately. So I guess you could say that COVID did one good thing!

A few of the bad things were we could not see our son, or go out anywhere since we had to quarantine. We also had to cancel plans with an old friend who was visiting Maine and was going to stop by for brunch.  And of course no hugging my husband, or anything along those lines. This forced us to watch a lot of TV, and as you know that's never good. There's the war in Ukraine or all the bald-faced liars on the news stations, inane sitcoms or police dramas, and commercials for medicine and insurance. 

Last night we watched an episode of SVU in which a woman was abducted from a bakery by a serial murderer and tortured and ultimately killed, although we turned it off long before her untimely end. Still, I couldn't sleep, what with the bad bed and the scene where the abducted woman was tied up and stuffed in the guy's car trunk begging him to let her go, and he just laughed.

Thankfully Mitch tested negative this morning, as did I once again. Now we are free to rejoin society until it comes back. I hope it doesn't, and I also hope that I don't get abducted. I am never going to a bakery ever again.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Thanks for Nothing, Hillary

Surprise, surprise! It turns out that Hillary Clinton gave the go-ahead to her campaign manager, Robbie Mook, to leak false information concerning Donald Trump's alleged "connections" with Russia.

The mainstream media then intentionally and ruthlessly destroyed President Trump with non-stop stories based on deception, propaganda and lies so the Democrats could elect the cognitively-impaired Biden as their puppet. 

Face it: Anyone who believes that Joe Biden, who lost two attempted presidential runs when he was young and still had all his marbles, and then on his third attempt stayed homed and refused to campaign, got the most votes in history, is too far gone to reason with. 

And now the grossly incompetent Kamala Harris, who got no support from the American voters during the Democratic primary race so dropped out early, is just one heartbeat away from becoming the President and Commander-in-Chief. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Trust But Verify

Some crazy things turn out to be true.
According to a friend of the woman involved, Elon Musk allegedly asked a flight attendant who is also a masseuse for a hand job in exchange for the gift of a horse. She declined, so no such exchange occurred. This bit of ridiculousness is today's reason that the loony lefties insist Musk is unfit to run Twitter. 

Hmmm, let's take a quick look at some other accusations that made the headlines in the past: Joe Biden smells women's hair and nuzzles their necks. Bill Clinton is prone to inserting cigars into, well, you know. Andrew Cuomo fondles women's breasts against their will. Hillary Clinton operates a child pornography ring from the basement of a D.C. pizza restaurant.

Given the wide range of bad behavior among the wealthy and connected, I'd say someone asking for a sexual favor in exchange for an expensive gift is the least offensive action. Besides, everyone knows that the real reason Musk is out of favor with the cancel culture crowd is because he announced he will be voting Republican from now on.

Smart man.


Paul Rudd and Paul Rudd

It's perplexing that some TV shows become so wildly popular that everyone hears about them and then rushes to see them (mostly to say they saw them), while others come and go without so much as a peep from anyone. I usually try to find the latter when I'm searching for a new show to follow. The one I just finished watching was a blast, and yet I never heard about it from anyone.

Living With Yourself, streaming on Netflix since 2019, is just one season consisting of eight half-hour episodes. It stars Paul Rudd, a low-key actor who has steadily made his way up the ladder of success to be almost everywhere. He's not flashy like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, but certainly just as talented. In this series he plays two roles -- himself and his clone. Watching it, you soon forget they are both played by Rudd.

While supporting cast members do a good job, the clever concept and Rudd's performance are the reasons you're there. It's dark, funny, sometimes frightening and over too soon. Enjoy yourself.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Don't Vote If You're Dumb

Conventional wisdom and Madison Avenue seem to believe that most Americans are either morons or idiots. What I saw that made this clear was an article entitled, "How to Organize Your Refrigerator the Right Way." Immediately three questions popped into my mind:

1. Does a cold box intended to prevent food from spoiling really need to be organized? After all, it's cold all over.

2. If it does need organizing, is there a wrong way? And if so, what is it?

If people can't figure out how to properly use a refrigerator they should not be permitted to vote in any elections. This dire situation explains how we ended up with the current administration.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Decline of the Democrats

I was always a Democrat without question, like my parents taught me. But then things started going downhill, forcing me to take a closer look at my decisions. 

My disillusionment began when Bill Clinton went on a TV talk show, played the saxophone and was asked by a young woman whether he wore boxers or briefs. Shockingly, he answered! Next thing you know he's having oral sex in the Oval Office with a young intern, and the Democrats who loved him, which is all of them, said, "That's okay, his sex life is his own business."

Everyone knows the rest. Along the way we had Barack Obama with those styrofoam Greek columns flanking him as he delivered his acceptance speech to become the Democratic candidate for president. Nothing says "out of touch with regular Americans" like Greek columns. If they had been real that might have been impressive, but the styrofoam only reinforced his hollow, fake persona. And you gotta ask, who paid that $50,000 bill?

And now there's the current crew: An ineffective old man who repeats rambling stories about his father and a clueless woman with a nervous laugh who was chosen solely for her skin color and gender.

God help us all.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Kamala Needs To Stop Working

Poor Kamala. Apparently the job has been too much for our VP, the first woman of any color to hold the esteemed position. Her most recent speech at the internationally broadcast Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit shows just what a huge toll it has taken on her:

"Our world is more interconnected and interdependent. That is especially true when it comes to the climate crisis, which is why we will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together on to galvanize global action. With that, I thank you all. This is a matter of urgent priority for all of us and I know we will work on this together." 

I say we give the poor girl a break and relieve her of her duties before she loses it completely. Plain and simple, she needs to stop working.

COVID Comes Calling

It took more than two years but finally it got us. Well, not us but my husband, however I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before I also test positive for Covid. To be honest, I can't wait since right now I'm stuck nursing a patient who shares his every feeling with me, assuming I can do something about it.

For example: He's got chills, he needs a blanket. I get the blanket. He needs another blanket, and the heat turned up. Then he's too hot, so I retrieve both blankets and get him some water. Pretty soon he's cold again, he needs hot tea with a little honey. Not too much! And he might be hungry, not now but in a little while. And where is that blanket?

There is coughing and wheezing. The occasional groan. And complaining. So far that last thing seems to be the biggest symptom. If you ask me, it's definitely one of the worst, tied with the constant taking of his temperature. 

Between Mitch's demands and those of the cat, who needs to go out and then needs to come in and has to be fed and his litter box needs to be cleaned, being sick in bed seems like a vacation. But not too sick, please God, in case you are reading this.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Chinese Solution for A Chinese Problem

Suddenly, it's like everyone I know has Covid. This is a new development for me since until about a week ago I knew only one person who had contracted the virus. Now it's springing up everywhere. Oddly, at this time I am maskless virtually all the time since the mandate has been lifted in Maine and I'm more than happy to let it go. 

Still, who wants Covid? Not me. I also don't want to get another booster shot. All my friends who have the virus have also been double-boosted, yet it offered little protection from infection. True, they are not very sick or in the hospital (except for one), but the first booster made me feel bad for two days so I'm reluctant to experience that again. But am I being foolish?

My biggest problem recently was my painful knee that was totally cured by an acupuncturist after "normal" doctors did nothing but send me for tests. I wonder, has anyone tried this ancient method for Covid symptoms? It might work. After all, they both originated in China.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Dumb Voters

There is a headline in today's Wall Street Journal that I find disturbing. No, it isn't about the war in Ukraine or rising inflation or the comeback of Covid or the abortion thing. It's this: "Tom Brady Becomes Most Important Person on TV." 

As a college graduate, former graphic designer at several high-profile corporations and longtime contributor to the Washington Post, here's all I know about Tom Brady: He is a football player (not sure what team), he is now about 40 years old, he recently announced his retirement but then decided to come back, and he is married to a supermodel named Giselle Bunch or something close to that. 

That's it. But this Brady guy is very important for some reason -- more important than anyone else on TV! It's funny how I can wake up each morning and get through every day despite knowing so little about the world. And still, they let me vote.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

How Many Genders?

My friend Mary, who is very woke and works hard to remain so, recently told me she doesn't like the way I think and wants me to feel differently about a number of issues. Of course I could lie and say I've had a change of heart and I now agree with her, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible to actually change your heart without A, a direct experience as a teacher or B, a heart transplant.

One thing Mary told me is that there are 72 genders. That shocked me as I only know about two, but hey, I'm old and certainly open to learning new things. So I was surprised this morning when I applied for a passport online -- mine expires in a few months -- and the form I had to fill out required me to check a box for my gender and gave me only two choices: Male and Female.

Apparently the U.S. Department of State is sadly out of date.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Why Can't We All Get Along?

The last week has been a revelation. My husband and I took a trip with another couple whose political beliefs differ from ours and we all got along great. We discussed politics and abortion and Covid and all sorts of things, and even though we generally vote Republican and our friends are committed Democrats, peace reigned. There were even some things we all agreed upon, and when we didn't agree they graciously allowed us to keep our own opinions, unlike people who insist it's their way or the highway.

Good times and good talks filled our days. How is that possible, you may ask? Well, these particular Democrats, who hail from Virginia, are both in possession of their own minds. They do not blindly follow the script put out by the Democrat Party and spread over the airwaves on CNN, MSNBC and PBS, to name but a few out of many.

It's so much fun hanging out with people who think for themselves! These days it's a rare and beautiful thing. Imagine how quickly our problems might be solved if "compromise" is not considered a dirty word.

Something Worse Than Elon

Those foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Muskers are apoplectic over Elon fine-tooth-combing the IRS for fraud, waste and abuse. Led by raging Senato...