Friday, June 11, 2021

White for Life

The skin covering my entire body is not white but more of a tannish color, with some pink in a few areas like the palms of my hands and my lips. Since birth I have been told I am a white person and have accepted it as no big deal, it was just me. Now I find out I am terribly racist just for walking around like this, which I thought is the exact definition of Racism: judging someone by the color of their skin. Apparently I'm supposed to not only not be racist, but be actively anti-racist, and my ignorance about what that entails is just further evidence of my racism.

Long ago I had several close black friends, back when I lived in New York City and Washington, D.C. Now I live in Maine and have none, since they are few and far between here. Does that make me a racist? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Until I find out I guess I will continue to be white, and thus by the popular woke definition of today, a racist. 


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