Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Prince Harry's New Job

Prince Harry, who recently relinquished his role as a full-time working member of the British monarchy and moved with his wife, an Actress of Color, to a fancy neighborhood in California's Silicon Valley, has taken a new job. Rather than doing nothing for a living like he did before, he will now be an executive with a Silicon Valley startup, BetterUp Inc., a coaching and mental health firm. 

The new baby, Archie.
To explain his new role, Prince Harry wrote in an email, thus committed it to print and cannot deny it, "I intend to help create impact in people's lives." To be clear, he's not saying he will go all the way to actually creating impact in people's lives, just that he will "help" create it. 

I had to look up the word impact since I was stymied as to whether or not I have any or if need help from someone like Harry to get some. Besides the obvious definition like when something strikes another thing hard, I found this: To have a strong effect on someone or something.

So basically Prince Harry's new job will be to help have a strong effect on people. Hmmmm. His new boss said that Harry is expected to "advocate publicly on topics related to mental health." Hopefully he will start with his wife Meghan Markle, who is mixed-race and considers the entire British Monarchy to be racist because an unnamed person asked during her pregnancy what color skin she thought her unborn child might have. (Turns out it's white.) I'm pretty sure Meghan could use some impact.

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