Friday, October 16, 2020

I Prefer the Old Days, When Men Were Steve McQueen

Actor Steve McQeen exuded masculinity, back when it was still permitted.

Suddenly the word "preference" is a bad boy. Or rather, a bad they. When Amy Coney Barrett used it in conjunction with the word "sexual" during her Senate grilling, she was immediately taken to task. Horror of horrors, was she implying that homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism or just being plain old queer and not sure what you are is something one chooses? That it's not part of one's genetic makeup and thus not a choice at all? OH GOD, WOMAN! AND YOU WANT A SEAT ON THE SUPREME COURT?

Barrett was being questioned by the lunatic senator from Hawaii, Maize Hirono, who should not be allowed to roam the streets of Honolulu unchaperoned, forget entering the hallowed halls of Congress. "Even though you didn't give a direct answer I think your response did speak volumes," Hirono said. "Not once, but twice, you used the term sexual preference to describe those in the LGBTQ community. And let me make clear, sexual preference is an offensive and outdated term."

Who knew? Not me. And not the wordsmiths at Merriam-Webster, who the very next day changed their definition to satisfy the gangs of woke thugs running things these days, adding the word "offensive" after the the words "sexual preference." Going even further, the lesbian senator from Wisconsin whose name I won't mention because she's such an asshole called Barrett's use of the word "preference" just plain ignorant.

It's so hard to keep up. And by "hard" I mean difficult, and by "keep up" I mean stay abreast of the latest diktat issued by the Democratic Nazi Party up on Capitol Hill.


  1. There are now 64 or more accepted genders (pronouns) and I identify with all of them and the accompanying sexual preferences (which would be uncountable) depending on who will give me money or a free apartment to ease my suffering at the hands of society who oppresses me(s). I also get paid 10 cents every time I use old white men in a sentence. I think that covers everything except, are you an old white man.

  2. I've always been an outsider, I guess it isn't going to change, because anyone that wants to shove there crap that they created while they were in college taking their liberal arts or political arts classes, at me, but they won't because, yawn, I'm too ignorant. I hope someday one of these people are serving me a meal or cleaning my motel room lol


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