Anyway, that's beside the point.
So Mitch goes out to see his garden, and it's usually about 6:30 in the evening, and as he walks out the door he mentions, as always, that he hopes he doesn't get any mosquito bites. Dusk being dinnertime for mosquitos, I always suggest that he apply bug spray. But he hates the stuff and replies, without fail, that he'll "take his chances." Five minutes later he returns moaning that he got six or seven new bites.
This is a man that graduated sixth out of 700 in his high school class, and he was a year younger than everyone else. Then he attended and graduated from a very good college, Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh. So you can just imagine how many mosquito bites dumb people get each summer.
Vitamin B, Niacin etc, take it for about 2 weeks and they will leave him alone, also keep his mouth closed LOL, bugs don't like me they think I taste nasty, although it might be different if I went into the woods up north.