Wednesday, May 1, 2019

How to Get Happy!

I read the paper first thing this morning and as usual it was filled with news I couldn't use. I mean really, what am I to do about the death and destruction going on all over the globe? It only depresses me, as it does most people, which explains why one in six Americans takes an antidepressant medication. As for those who don't maybe they should have, since suicide remains among the leading causes of death in the US. 

Feeling myself beginning to spiral downward, I took action. I recycled the newspaper to help save our dying planet, then went off in search of cheerier activities. This being spring I quickly found a few involving the glorious outdoors. Raking leaves, planting flowers, filling bird feeders and watering the garden are much better ways to spend time than learning which politician called for Trump's impeachment or what country's dictatorial leader ordered the death of hundreds of dissidents.  

Try it. 

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