Monday, May 6, 2019

Choosing Wisely

If I could do it all over again I'd be a hermit in the woods. Of course, I would hopefully no longer be afraid of bugs, snakes and other wildlife, and not have such bad reactions to mosquito bites and bee stings. But since this is a fantasy, I'll assume the answer is yes to all that. I say this because when I look back over my life I see how much of my money, time and emotions have been squandered, trashed, squashed and shredded by falsely believing that humans were the appropriate receptacles for those things.

I remember dozens of Christmases spent running around like a crazy person (i.e., typical Christian), buying gifts, wrapping them carefully, waiting in long lines at the post office to send them off, only to have them barely acknowledged. And now those past recipients of my heartfelt longing for a loving family are no longer part of my life, even though they still live and breathe. (The dead ones are forgiven, naturally.)

Hermits have it together, They can spend their time in nature and live blissfully with no knowledge  of the horrors devised by people born knowing they will and could die anytime but not when, and thus try to blot out that knowledge through bizarre activities that ignore the swirling clouds and the tiny new buds pushing up through the dirt and the bright red of a cardinal in a tree just starting to turn pink. Instead they put on 3-D glasses and sit in dark theaters with hundreds of other scared people watching make-believe stories on big screens, then go get pizza.

If I were a hermit in the woods I would definitely miss certain things. They are:
A toaster
The final episodes of VEEP and Killing Eve
My electric toothbrush

Come to think of it, I don't want to be a hermit after all. Maybe I'll just stop pouring my emotions into the wrong people who give nothing in return.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I got lucky, after my half brother died, that I desperately wanted to make some kind of connection with, but his wife would have none of it, now that he's gone, I'm pretty much non existent to the rest of his kids, and extended family. Apparently the just put up with me for his sake and now they don't have to. Oh well, I won't have to waste anymore money.


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