Sunday, October 14, 2018

Trump's Looking Better and Better

The arrogance of the Left, a.k.a the Losers, continues to expand and amaze. One particularly rabid member of my husband's extended family recently wrote on Facebook: "Trump supporters aren't good people." He went on, "Women who are for Trump are crazy, stupid, sad, ridiculous and short-sighted." This generalization is akin to Hillary saying half the country is "a basket of deplorables." I actually know several women in the flesh who favor Trump and they are all fine, upstanding citizens.

Not only that, but I am a woman myself, and while I wasn't for Trump at the outset of all this nonsense, I'm leaning his way more each day when I consider the alternatives: There's Maxine Waters, a lunatic who advocates publicly harassing people with opinions other than hers. And Senator Richard Blumenthal, a reptilian liar who often touted his non-existent military service in Vietnam. Of course that oldie but goodie Bill Clinton, an accused rapist -- as an adult, not a teenager -- and repeat sexual predator. And a possible presidential contender for 2020, Senator Elizabeth Warren, who famously clings to being "Native American" because there was one of those in her family ten generations back. Now there's your basket of deplorables!

But wait, there's more! How about Nancy Pelosi, who said about the Affordable Care Act, "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it." Or Al Gore, who predicted years ago that part of Miami's Dade County would be under water by now -- the exact spot where the country's largest mall is set to break ground any day. Or Barack Obama, our first black president who now lives in D.C.'s richest and whitest enclave when he's not hobnobbing in Martha's Vineyard, playground of the super-wealthy and connected. It's a sorry bunch, I tell you. So who's crazy, stupid, sad, ridiculous and short-sighted? Sounds like the Democrats to me.

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