Monday, October 1, 2018

Gossip and Rape

So many unimportant people are spending so much of their limited brain power gossiping about Brett Kavanaugh, a man they don't know and will never meet, and Christine Ford, a woman they don't know and will never meet, and what may or may not have occurred between them when they were teenagers 36 years ago. Their ugly little whispers and outlandish conclusions have no more significance in the grand scheme than conjecturing about whether Addison slept with Mark before or after Derek found about about Meredith's baby on Grey's Anatomy.

Gossip is evil. It starts out with one person telling sort of the truth , but quickly turns into a wildly inaccurate version of the same story. For example, Judge Kavanaugh is now commonly being referred to as having raped a girl, when all he did, maybe -- and that's a big maybe since it's only been proven in the mind of the accuser --  was paw at her, and lay on top of her, laugh drunkenly and put his hand over her mouth. None of her clothes were removed and she escaped unharmed, in fact strong enough to walk home eight miles since nobody has claimed they picked her up from that imaginary party in her head.

Under that definition, I have been raped too many times to remember. Who knew?

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