Friday, October 5, 2018

Abandon All Hope

This afternoon, Senator Susan Collins of Maine gave a 45-minute speech explaining why she had decided to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh. It was certainly the best political speech I have ever heard, completely devoid of the soaring rhetoric and lofty phrases common to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton that the Democrats lap up with a spoon. Instead she recited a litany of facts.

Collins had spent the last two months learning all she could about the nominee for the Supreme Court who had caused such a chasm between the two parties. She explained many court opinions the Judge had written on key topics such as abortion, education, health care and the limits of presidential power. Listening to her speak was like attending a university-level lecture on the history of seminal law cases. It was beyond impressive.

So my husband's cousin's daughter, who has as big a mouth as her foul-mouthed mother, published the following thoughtful response as her Facebook status: "Fuck you, US Senator Susan Collins." After my husband tried to reason with her, pointing out how Collins had carefully considered Kavanaugh's 25-year record sitting on the nation's second-highest court, her clever retort was, "Fuck her and the high horse she rode in on."

I am now convinced that the Democratic party is not worth a damn. Anyone who believes that Christine Ford's shaky recall of her 10-minute teenage nightmare of 36 years ago should determine the future of our Supreme Court is simply beyond all hope of sanity.

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