Friday, October 12, 2018

Politics Explained

I finally understand the difference between our two main political parties. The Democrats are the Children and the Republicans are the Grownups. Think of them on a school playground:

The Children want to make a lot of rules about everything.  They want every kid to get a free bike to ride, for as long as they want. They also think everyone should get tons of free stuff, like juice boxes, safe spaces to hide out, health care, four years at college, and even houses to live in. And anyone who wants to can just come right in and play, even bad kids from really bad neighborhoods. Why not -- the more the merrier! Most of all, they hate the mean Grownups who say "No!" to a lot of their childish desires. In fact, whenever they see Grownups, they throw tantrums and sticks and stones and chase them away, calling out loud insults. They think that's a perfectly fine way to behave, and all of them encourage it.

Meanwhile, the Grownups insist that each one of the Children should contribute something to the whole group in order to earn some rewards; not everyone gets a gold star! They think neither the school nor the government should be a replacement for Mommy and Daddy. They think those who work the hardest should get the most stuff as a result of their hard work. Of course, Grownups recognize the need to help the weak and infirm, but believe that not everyone deserves a special snack, or their own bike, or four years at college, or a free heart replacement, without first demonstrating some sort of merit. They try to explain this to the Children, but can't be heard over the raucous shouts of the mob of crybabies.

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Good Luck Donald!

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