Thursday, December 3, 2015

Silly, Sappy, Lovey & Dovey

Much better photo than you and your sweetie pie hugging.

Facebook profile pictures of couples hugging make me nauseous.

Okay, so you have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend, or a whatever-it-is. How nice for you both. We're all so pleased. Not really, many of us couldn't give a damn since we're busy fighting cancer or trying to pay the mortgage or dealing with a bad boss. But there you are, a-huggin' and a-kissin' on Facebook, for all the world to see. Why is that? Have you no sense of dignity? And besides, are you no longer an individual?

What compels people to post those sappy photos, or to write things like, "I love my sweetie with all my heart and just want to say to the whole world that I wish him/her a happy birthday and could not live without him/her." It's embarrassing and it's got to stop. You look like a couple of fools, especially after you break up.

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Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz

It's hard to believe that what began in 2004 as an innocent tool intended for Harvard college boys to meet attractive coeds on campus ha...