Monday, December 14, 2015

Don't Get Mad

Not to bum you out, but this could be the last one of my blog posts you ever read. I could die before I write the next one. Better yet, you could. With that in mind I'm trying to think of what wisdom I can share from living on Earth all these years, at least this time around. There must be something that I know that nobody else knows. There has to be, since we are each unique and have very different life experiences.

Okay, here's something. Earlier today I had an odd thing happen, and what made it odd was that it happened three times in a row, bam, bam, bam, within about two minutes total. I was just about to park my car at my local supermarket when a woman in a grey van sped up and cut me off, taking the very spot I was about to enter. "Huh," I thought, "that was weird. Oh well," I continued thinking, "maybe she has to pee and needs to get inside fast."

Then I spied another spot right nearby, and I was perfectly aimed for it and started right for it when a guy in a maroon sedan floored it and got there first. "What the heck?" I thought, chalking it up to the Christmas season. So then I drove around and there was someone pulling out of a spot and I put on my blinker and waited as the guy pulled out, when a blue truck on the other side of him who had just arrived on the scene slid right in.

That did it. I was pissed. I started screaming obscenities into the air, yes the F-word if you must know, and I could feel my blood pressure rising with my anger. And even though I got really mad, it didn't get me a parking spot.

Eventually I found one. But I understood two things very clearly: A, many people in Maine are oblivious and B, getting angry does nothing to alter one's circumstances.

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Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...