Thursday, April 30, 2015

Guess Who's a Dishonest Dummy?

Hint: Not only does she funnel money from foreign governments into her own pockets (the dishonest part), but she's stupid too. Yesterday she proclaimed that the racial trouble in America stems from the fact that we have too high an incarceration rate, "especially now, when crime is at an all-time low." Duh. Any connection there, perhaps? (The dummy part.)

That's right, it's Hillary Clinton! Congratulations, you got it in one guess!

And there's more. That whole "the deck is stacked towards people at the top" business is really odd. Just who are those top people? Could it be Ma and Pa Clinton, who apparently passed along their outstanding values to their only child? At age 33, Chelsea Clinton absolutely had to have, and so got, a swanky Manhattan apartment for 11 million dollars. With a killer view and access to a private gym on the premises where she can sweat it out with other "people at the top," it also has 5-and-a-half bathrooms. Why is that? Can we surmise (dare we hope) that Chelsea and her husband both suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and thus need access to a toilet around every corner?

Come on people, wake up and smell the hummus! The elder Clinton, a.k.a. Granny, is NOT who we need at the helm as our ship of state sinks lower and lower on the global happiness scale. (We are currently at #17, edged out by Mexico, Israel and United Arab Emirates.) Surely we can do better than a former First Lady who stole $180,000 worth of hard goods from the White House upon her departure. (She gave back $120,000 of it, under duress from the authorities.)

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