Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'm Spineless, Please Help

In the old days, before the invention of Internet, you never really knew what a mess other people had made of their lives. You knew about your own mess and your family's mess, and those close friends who were honest enough to share theirs with you. But now, thanks to Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Al Gore for all I know, we are privy to every little teardrop shed by every other person having a bad day.

This morning, as I do most days, I logged on to searching for freelance writing assignments or maybe even a job. What I found listed under the category called Volunteers was a plea from some lady whose husband had died, asking me to send her money so her two sons could pay for college since Dad had been the sole earner in the family. She says even some spare change would be appreciated. Oh please.

Has she considered another avenue, one with almost no traffic on it so it's smooth sailing, which is taking personal responsibility for her own problems, instead of stretching out her open palm and sticking it under my nose? Oh yes, I know that's what's done these days, what with creeping socialism about to smother us all under a big government safety net. I suppose it's easier to write an ad and start an online begging fund, which she has done, than to stand out in the weather with a cup and a cardboard sign. Still, it's no different. (Perhaps she should call the White House direct.)

So now, along with all the sadness I already absorb from people close to me, that I wring out each week in the office of a lady I pay to help me mop it all up, I'm supposed to worry about a complete stranger and her two sons, and give them some of my husband's hard-earned money so that they can go to college which has been all but proven to be a waste of money anyway. Yikes. Hey, charity is my middle name, but this is ridiculous.

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