Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dirty Talk

It's all in the title. I'm pretty sure that if I had called my last blog post "Phony-Baloney Bullshit" I would have attracted many more readers than I got with "Keeping Up With the #." But it's a delicate balance between being sensational and maintaining a shred of dignity. Until now I have opted for dignity, but these days dignity gets you nowhere, which Miley Cyrus has certainly proven beyond all doubt. So I am determined to try harder to be trashier. To that end, I will write the following posts in the coming weeks, and ask my readers to choose which titles would most grab their attention:

How I Almost Gave President Clinton a Blow Job
Walking Around Naked at Home
My Boobs Are Too Big
Men and Their Penises: Enough Already!
Sex, Sex, Sex Over Sixty, Seventy and Eighty
Eating in Bed Saves Time
Heroines On Heroin
I'm Having a Facelift
The Truth About Bikini Waxes
Pissing Off Reverend Sun Myung Moon


  1. I'm VERY interested in ALL of them . . . except maybe the #bikiniwaxes

  2. YOU are so funny Andrea! ...'enough already! hahaha..


  3. First and Last!


  4. I like the first one.
    You could write a book of collected events from many people I bet. It WOULD sell.....and maybe you'd break even after paying off the lawyers.


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...