Friday, November 30, 2012

Putting the Merry in Christmas

Cardinal, Clumsy Cook Turkey, Horse and Pig Heads. Latex, unisex.
I rarely use this space for a public service announcement, but once in a great while something deserves a wide audience. The Archie McPhee Catalog is such a thing. Nowhere will you find a better example of the depths to which humanity is sinking, has sunk or will sink. I received my copy of the catalog a few weeks ago and refer to it often, mostly whenever I'm feeling stupid and ineffectual. It boosts my self-esteem instantly, just by not ordering anything from it. A few examples follow.

World's Largest Coffee Cup $47.50
Holds 20 cups. White porcelain, 6 x 10 inches.

Instant Underpants $3.50
Fits most adults. See photo, right.

Emergency Yodel Button $12.50
AAA batteries not included.

Bacon Flavored Toothpaste $4.50  
Also available in soap, floss, lip balm, frosting, mints, hard candy, candy canes and a wallet!

Clumsy Cook Turkey Mask $34.95 
Latex, fits most adults. See photo above.

Abraham Lincoln Bandages $4.95
20 sterile strips. What else can one say?

Mustache Ice Cube Tray $9.00
Makes 8 cubes. Can also be used as candy mold.

Inflatable Unicorn Horn $8.00 
Comes with plastic strap, 11 inches.

Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats $5.00
Vinyl, 5 inches. See photo, right, 
for proof of how much cats love this!

If this is your kind of fun, visit
You can thank me later.

1 comment:

  1. ya never know what you'll find here!

    Sounds like great fun


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...