Saturday, January 14, 2023

Politicians Lie. So What Else Is New?

George Santos, hoping God isn't listening......

Poor George Santos. He was just doing what so many others before him have done, and with not so much as a slap on the wrist. Heck, Senator Ted Kennedy killed a woman and was re-elected in his district two months later, going on to serve until his death and earning the nickname "The Lion of the Senate." So George Santos, a freshman congressman from New York and one of 435 serving in the House of Representatives, exaggerated his resume -- a lot. Big deal. Okay, so maybe he didn't really graduate from where he said he graduated, and maybe he didn't graduate from anywhere. Must he resign?

At the very least he is in good company. Our current POTUS, a recognized plagiarist throughout his college years and beyond, including his acceptance speech as president just two years ago, famously claimed that he "graduated in the top half of my law school class." Except he didn't. Actually, he was #75 out of a class of 86. That's downright abysmal. 

My personal favorite, Connecticut's Sen. Dick Blumenthal -- his first name is Richard but I always think of him as a Dick -- often referred in speeches to his constituency to his wartime experiences in Vietnam. He talked of "people dying left and right, but my platoon kept marching forward." But there were no dead soldiers on his right or his left because there was no platoon because he never served in Vietnam. Yet he has served in the Senate since 2011 and somehow has a net worth of over $100 million.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a.k.a. Pocahontas, lied about being "part Native American" in order to get into law school. She claims it was being told as a child about her ancestor's "high cheekbones" that convinced her. Turns out she's just a normal American with high cheekbones. There are many of those. Warren has served in the Senate since 2012, winning re-election each time her term is up for grabs.

And who could forget Hillary Clinton claiming she was under sniper fire when she landed in Bosnia in 1996, but it turned out it was just some young girls greeting her with flowers. (I often confuse those two things, don't you?) No wonder poor George Santos thought he could get away with it; he was just doing what all those others did. Of course, they are all Democrats and he is a Republican. If he would just change parties they would likely welcome him with open arms and forget all those silly, petty lies. After all, as Hillary asked long ago, what difference does it make?

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