Thursday, January 19, 2023

Covid Confusion

Well, I've had a pretty good run since it first showed up in 2020, avoiding it even when my husband contracted it, but Covid finally got me yesterday in the middle of my afternoon walk. My symptoms were mild enough to confuse them with just a cold, but severe enough this morning to warrant taking a test that turned out to be positive. 

Since I am in the group considered to be "high risk," owing to my age (over 65) and comorbidity (heart disease), I called my doctor looking for some sound advice as to how to proceed. I didn't get any. Or rather, I got some but it might have been from his lawyer.

A chatty nurse I spoke with at length stressed the need for me to wear a mask at all times in my home as I isolate for the next five days. This seemed to be of utmost importance. But as to whether or not I should take an antiviral medication, something I would like to avoid because of its unpleasant side effects, and which must be started within five days of the onset of symptoms, the advice was murky at best. She said she would contact my doctor and get back to me with his decision. Several hours later his word came back: "Okay."

Okay what? Okay, take an antiviral medication? Okay, don't take it and wait to see if my symptoms worsen? Okay, I tested positive and have Covid? Could she clarify, I asked the nurse. She said, "He literally said "Okay." 

Okay then.

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