Thursday, January 5, 2023

Kevin McCarthy is the Tip of the Iceberg

Our government at work.
Right now is the time to start looking for a new country to call home. I know I am. It's simply too embarrassing to continue living under the rule of imbeciles, morons and idiots, starting with the top guy, a cranky old liar who has still not visited our southern border (where thousands of criminals slip into America daily) because he has "more important things to do," yet has managed to vacation in Nantucket twice and St. Croix in the Virgin Islands once since taking office. 

I won't mention the Vice President because she simply does nothing of import. Oh yeah, she's black, which apparently is enough these days.

“The definition of ‘insanity’ is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Then there are our congressmen and women, each one elected by their constituents to create and enact laws for the common good.  Instead, for the last three days they have been embroiled in the process of trying to name a leader and failing miserably because, for reasons unknown to us, the top candidate for the job has pissed off 20 of them who keep voting against him. 

So far this allegedly intelligent body we should revere has voted NINE TIMES to make Kevin McCarthy Speaker of the House and has repeatedly come up with the same result: NO. Thus, lacking a majority in the House, nothing else, i.e. any work, is getting done. But they still all get paid. (By us.)

I hear Portugal welcomes Americans, is very safe, has beautiful beaches and enjoys 300 days of sunshine every year.

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