Sunday, December 11, 2022

Woke Me When It's Over

Somebody's arm.
When will wokeness end? Will it be before or after the tattoo craze dies out? I look forward to the demise of both, but especially wokeness, a marker for irrational thinking, while tattoos simply indicate a lack of self-confidence in an individual who just wants to fit in. Tattoos never hurt anyone except the person getting them, while wokeness often treats people unfairly, damaging them socially and professionally while limiting the advancement of otherwise legitimate and possibly extraordinary people.

An article in the Portland Press Herald alerted me to the current woke folly going on in Brunswick, a nearby town. A fun and bustling community of 21,836 people, of those 91% are white, 2% are African American and 0.15% are Native American -- either Wabanaki or another tribe.

The town of Brunswick is in the middle of creating a huge outdoor mural for the downtown area, meant to show how peoples of all colors and creeds work together to make a harmonious fabric of harmony, or something. Naturally, things are not going harmoniously as everyone and their brother wants to weigh in on how it looks. So far the main complaints are: #1, not showing enough diversity and #2, using stereotypical imagery. 

For example, the largest figure is a Native American woman in the foreground with her long black hair in a braid. Uh oh, the braid is a stereotype! In the background are three more Wabanaki members and a black teenage girl on one knee doing some creative work. Somehow this is all considered disrespectful to everyone. (Is the black girl a slave? Why is she the only one kneeling? Is she working too hard?) There might be a white person in there somewhere but who cares.

For the time being the project is stalled while they work all this out. I sure hope they decide to put in some tattooed folks or there will be hell to pay.

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