Friday, December 2, 2022

Everything is Racist!!!!!!!

All of London is abuzz over the most recent example of racism from the royal family, with coverage of the heinous act filling British media yesterday. Here's what happened: Lady Susan Hussey, 83-year-old lady-in-waiting (whatever that is) to now-dead Queen Elizabeth II asked a visitor to Buckingham Palace what part of Africa she is from. 

The wounded party is Ngoni Fulani, the CEO of an East London refuge for women of African and Caribbean heritage. Does that sound like a native Londoner to you? Not really, although the fact that she was asked that question has people foaming at the mouth over yet another example of racism by the royal family, the last one being when Meghan Markle, who is biracial, was asked if she wondered about the skin color of her unborn child when she was pregnant. OMG, that's like murdering George Floyd and Emmet Till while making Rosa Parks sit in the back of the bus! 

Accusations of racism are rampant these days. But relax -- to avoid the poisonous label you don't have to have any black friends or even know any black people. Just be sure to play rap music really loud on your car radio, put a Black Lives Matter sign on your lawn and, like Hillary Clinton, always carry a bottle of hot sauce in your purse or pocket.  

Thankfully, the horrible racist of Buckingham Palace "resigned and apologized for the hurt caused" by her question. At least that.

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