Tuesday, December 13, 2022

What Kind of Denier Are You?

First there were Holocaust-deniers. Next came climate-deniers. Soon enough there were election-deniers. Then Covid-deniers. And now vaccine-deniers. As I always do, I looked up the word "denier" to see if my definition is correct. I found the first meaning to be "a person who denies." Okay, just what I thought. But wait, there's a newer, more woke meaning: a person who refuses to accept the existence, truth, or validity of something despite evidence or general support for it." Bingo!

I like the original meaning better. Anyway, I am none of those things, except maybe 5% election-denier and 7% climate-denier. But not enough so it matters, and it likely wouldn't show up in my DNA. And speaking of DNA, I recently purchased a "23andMe" test kit for my husband because he really wanted one, even though it's obvious (to everyone) he's a Jew from New York. 

Before spitting into a test-tube Mitch had to answer a quite lengthy questionnaire. It asked where he was born, where his parents and grandparents were born, what medical conditions he has, his religious affiliation if any, and his race. Then he spat and sent off the kit, waiting on pins and needles to find out if he should start wearing a kilt or some lederhosen or perhaps a headdress if he's part Native American like the fake Indian Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Mitch's results finally came back and revealed that he's 99.4% New York Jew. The remainder was .003 northern Indian and Pakistani, .002 Cypriot, and .001 Ethiopian/Eritrean. Not really news to anyone who sees him or talks to him for two minutes. Did they examine the contents of the test-tube or simply read his answers on their questionnaire?

Scam or not, save your money -- I paid $129 -- and just look at some old family photos. Feeling ripped-off, now I'm a 100% ancestry-test-denier.

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