Monday, July 27, 2020

The Prime of Life

I'm not gonna lie, getting old is a drag. Despite what you read about those 85-year-old marathoners, for the average person things start going downhill when you hit seventy.

The worst part, almost, is that all your peers are getting old too, so even if you work out at CrossFit with a personal trainer twice a week and eat a healthy diet and look reasonably fit and stay current with the latest trends, someone you care about is either half-dead or on the way. Or else they need to have a body part replaced, have lost their libido, can't eat spicy foods and say "What?" after everything. Some of them, in fact a large majority, have few remaining teeth of their own. Seriously, it's not pretty.

So I'm wondering how it is that we have to choose between two men in their seventies --one closer to eighty -- to be President. You'd think the person running things would be in the prime of life.

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