Wednesday, August 7, 2019

French Fries


That's how many people responded to a survey question floating around Facebook asking whose fries are the best, followed by several choices including Wendy's, McDonald's, Five Guys and more like that. And the answers were still streaming in.

That number represents a whole lot of people engaging in a debate over French fries, while half the world is starving and the other half is rife with flame-throwing protesters taking to the streets and ruthless governments cheating their own people.

I was almost drawn in until I realized the senselessness of such a debate and stopped myself. I mean, really, does anyone not know that Nathan's French fries outshine them all?


  1. The perfect meal ... a Nathan’s hot dog (or two or three) and an order of fries!!!!

    1. Absolutely, Rick! Certainly my choice for a "last meal."

  2. Right-o about Nathan’s! Why aren’t they franchised into more airports??


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