Monday, June 10, 2013

Art for Sale, Cheap

Today's complex business world, which is played out online for the most part, is well beyond my grasp. Ironically, I am married to an Internet guru who says it behooves me to have a website on which to display my art, and since these days not much behooves me even a little, I decided to take his advice. However, being by trade and schooling a professional graphic designer and artist, I flatly refused to hire someone to do the job for me. I am also quite cheap when it comes to spending money on things I don't even want. Like, if something is ten bucks and I don't really want it I would probably still get it, whereas if it's $500 I will think twice.

After watching a short tutorial at Wordpress, a popular blogging platform, I was able to  create a simple website that allowed me to load images and at least be able to say yes if a gallery owner asked the inevitable, "Do you have a website?" I had it for all of two days before it broke, and now I can't seem to fix it--that tutorial did not mention  needing repairs. The thought of spending any more time on it is repellant, and since taking it down would likely be a time-consuming bore even if I knew how, there it sits. In case you wondered, this is why I never sell any art and instead just give it away. I comfort myself, as do many artists in my situation, with the old and tired observation that Vincent Van Gogh did not sell even one painting during his lifetime. I bet he wouldn't have had a website either.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to the you never know what you'll find tag line? this one is depressing, and not true since you are still wildly funny.

    anyway i guess you never know what you'll find


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