Tuesday, June 11, 2013

An abortion in a pill--what's not to love?

The morning-after pill, specifically the one called Plan B One-Step, will soon go forward and multiply. Now that it's gotten Obama's approval for sale without a prescription to women and girls of any age, it's just a matter of time until there are scads of competitors available. Just imagine what those might be called: Baby-Bye-Bye, Enditall, or perhaps the more straightforward Kilzit; the possibilities are endless. But why bother with pills that are bound to have side effects like sadness, remorse, depression, guilt and thoughts of suicide when girls can just have their tubes tied, or perhaps go the hysterectomy route, and enjoy constant, worry-free sex starting at age 12 or 13, which is when many of them start these days, thanks to what they see in magazines, on TV and in the movies regarding how cool it is, without troubling the parents with those annoying details?

It sure would have helped my friend J. J., who had a running tab at Planned Parenthood back in the day. She had six abortions between the ages of 17 and 30, and remained childless forever. Just think of the time and money she could have saved and spent on hair, makeup, clothes and high heels for the rest of her hedonistic, Sex in the City, man-chasing life.

If that sounds harsh, let it be known that I too was young and single once, and sexually active outside of the safety and confines of marriage; that abortion pill would have come in handy more times than I care to remember. It just seems to me now--crabby, aging baby-boomer that I am--that kids should be allowed to be kids a little bit longer, and our government's decision to replace Mommy and Daddy with a Rite-Aid pharmacist seems wrong. But that just might be the fish oil talking.

1 comment:

  1. bet that pill than motherhood, don't you think? and I can't speak for ALL children but if I had to rely on my parents, I might have gotten pregnant myself......You are assuming that parents are GOOD. they are NOT.


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