Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Obama vs. Osama: Good Timing

WE can only wonder what cabinet position President Obama will give Ariana Huffington for the following blatant endorsement this morning at, wherein the murder of Osama bin Laden was described as "a stunning success for the often maligned intelligence community, a political and national security coup for a struggling president and revenge for Americans still carrying vivid memories of Sept. 11." So it turns out Obama is a real man after all, even tougher than George W. Bush! He single-handedly killed the world's most hated bad guy, and--what a coincidence-- in an election season! How cool is that?

This should certainly boost the president's sagging poll numbers. Now if we could just get some proof, since unfortunately, that "often maligned intelligence community" opted to bury the body at sea, an odd choice if you ask me; at least we got to see the Wicked Witch's feet sticking out from under Dorothy's house.

1 comment:

  1. At this point is it ever NOT "election season"? Is there any time at all a President... Bell, anybody, is allowed to just govern and do what they think is the right thing?

    I shouldn't ask though because I know the answer.


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