Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Pop Quiz

Two questions: You may have heard the names, but how many of the following people can you really identify, and do you think any of them could save you from drowning? (Give yourself one point for each correct answer.)
1. Dan Rather
2. Paul Volcker
3. James Lovell
4. Chris Difford
5. Mary Robinson
6. Buzz Aldrin
7. Alex Trebek
8. Ruth Westheimer
9. John Cleese
I scored a four (1, 6, 7, 8), and I think I swim better than all of them.

I ask because an article in today's Wall Street Journal entitled "Cruising With the Stars" reports on the growing practice among cruise ship lines of stocking their ships with celebrities to give them "a competitive edge." These on-board muckety-mucks cruise for free as long as they agree to "hang out" and "rub shoulders" with the passengers.

I have never gone on a cruise, mostly because of the Titanic and partly because every repeat cruiser I ever met is fat and raves about the 24/7 food orgies. Then too, there is what I call the Natalie Wood Syndrome, which is certainly no small matter. But for the sake of argument, let's say I wanted to try one; these folks are simply not my idea of a good time. How about yours?


  1. Well, I go on vacation to be away from people. I love peace and quiet. cruise, no Disney, no lying on a beach. Though I will suffer through a cruise to go to Alaska.


  2. cute little lab, until it grows up.

    and I scored a 4 and I believe all of them would try to save me if I were drowning but not if it meant jumping out of a cruise ship. Do you know how big those ships are?

    I went on a cruise once to the Cayman Islands as a chaperone to the high school music department. It was the largest floating buffet table known to man. Say NO to the cruise until well into the 80's and then go on a bridge playing cruise. With ME!

  3. Funny about labs, isn't it? Anyway, I say we go on a bridge cruise before old age hits, but I have to learn how to play first. :)


Anatomy of A Protest

If, like the throngs of clueless students at Bowdoin College who attended an anti-Israel protest last weekend, you think Benjamin Netanyahu ...