Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Guess Who for President

He says what he thinks, regardless of whether or not it is popular with the masses. He has strong beliefs founded on his own experience rather than hearsay. He's extremely funny and is often the butt of his own humor. He loves America and has an unflinching sense of purpose, wanting only what is best for the country. Like most leaders, he is misunderstood. Those weaker than he, jealous of his wealth, fame and intellect, taunt him mercilessly and try to tear him down by spreading false rumors about him. He is extremely fair-minded without an ounce of racism. The lion's share of his critics have never heard him speak at all, yet think nothing of misquoting him. He is most hated for being exceedingly self-confident. Loved and respected by many, he is one of the most popular public figures in America today.

Draft Rush.


  1. Thank you for your comment Deneb, this is EXACTLY what I am talking about! Several years ago Rush Limbaugh admitted to being addicted to pain killers, or some such thing, following ear surgery. He checked himself into a rehab clinic and is no longer "a drug addict."

    By the way, some of my favorite people are drug addicts!

  2. I, for one, would love to have Limbaugh run for President. And Michelle Bachman can be VP, and Sarah Palin can be SecState, and Christine O'Donnell can be SecDef, and Rand Paul can be SecTreas, and Sharon Angle can run DoJ (once someone shows her how to spell it.

    Oh what a happy 2012 I would have!

  3. Keith, about that imaginary Tea Party White House: Since the world is scheduled to end in May of 2012, at least they won't have much time to do any real damage!


Anatomy of A Protest

If, like the throngs of clueless students at Bowdoin College who attended an anti-Israel protest last weekend, you think Benjamin Netanyahu ...