Friday, May 20, 2011

Look Out, It's Final Jeopardy!

Unless I get a chance to jot down a few final thoughts in the morning, this may be my last post. According to a chap named Harold Camping, president of a network of Christian radio stations based in California, there will be a worldwide earthquake beginning at 6 PM tomorrow, during which all Believers will ascend to Heaven in what he calls The Rapture. Following that, it's curtains for the sinners left behind, as God will slowly begin to destroy the planet.

Mr. Camping, a former civil engineer who is now 89 years old, originally predicted this scenario back in 1994; he was wrong then, so why should he be right now? For no good reason, but just in case he is, I am picking up my dry cleaning and returning those DVDs that have been on the back seat of my car for a week now, because I am definitely heading uptown, and here's why: Besides being sarcastic to stupid people, I am basically a good person. I don't kill bugs, I give to charity, and from time to time I help total strangers with their groceries in the supermarket parking lot. And yeah, I believe in God--what fool doesn't? (I hope they don't nitpick and ask which God, or I could be in big trouble.)

What are you doing tomorrow?


  1. Good thing golf courses are exempt. Hmmm, if they aren't, I wonder if they'll issue rain checks for golf in Heaven.

  2. I'm hoping to get some good looting in, but I'm very doubtful that anyone around here will be going for the big escalator ride.

  3. Rick, I will see you up there and you can teach me how to play....of course there are golf courses in Heaven, they have everything up there!

  4. Keith, I believe you will be President in heaven!

  5. Wow. It happened. All the good people left.


Anatomy of A Protest

If, like the throngs of clueless students at Bowdoin College who attended an anti-Israel protest last weekend, you think Benjamin Netanyahu ...