Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Jesus Thing

A dear friend of mine is a retired pastor and continuing student of religious teachings. I consider him to be quite intelligent and possibly the best piano player I have ever met in person. However, his firm and unshakeable belief in the existence of Jesus Christ and the power he holds over every living human being makes me question his sanity at times.

Here's the thing: I strongly believe in God. Not sure what that means, but it's definitely not anything in human form. Maybe it's the Ocean and Sky. Or the Constellations. Or the very air we breathe -- I have no idea. Whatever It is, It did not/could not conceive a human son, in particular Jesus Christ. And if some human named Jesus did walk on the Earth, he certainly did not come back to life after three days of being dead. And his mommy was not a virgin, as in The Virgin Mary. And what makes him God's son anyway?

I know that millions of people swallow that story whole and that blows my mind. As for the whole organized religion thing, after seeing the 2015 movie Spotlight which detailed the discovery and worldwide exposure of priests as child molesters and sexual predators by reporters at the Boston Globe, I don't know how anyone can keep the faith .

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