Friday, December 27, 2024

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You

WWI poster from 1917
It's happening again, and this is like the third time: My computer is listening to conversations going on in our house, even when it's turned off. How can that be, you ask? As Elaine famously said to Jerry in a memorable "Seinfeld" episode, "Oh, it be!" 

Here's the scoop: For the last few days, maybe a week, I have been experiencing pain along the right side of my neck extending down to my shoulder. This pain comes and goes, sometimes disappearing for almost a whole day. But then it's back again at random times, usually at night just before getting into bed.

Being a complainer -- I am Jewish after all -- I whimper and moan about this pain to my husband when he's home. He tells me it's muscular and that I need to take some ibuprofen, gives me a back rub and suggests I rearrange my bed pillows until I can find a more comfortable position. All good advice -- so good in fact that I have never once googled "neck pain" for treatment suggestions.

Yet starting yesterday I began getting ads on my Facebook page about guess what -- neck pain! Things like, "Are you experiencing neck pain? Try this!" There have been a few ads suggesting, "your pillow might be the problem." To date, ads from three different companies, including one for an electric neck massage device, have shown up. I'm ashamed to admit that last night I ordered a new pillow from one of them. 

WTF? Is there a hidden microphone in our house? Is my brain bugged? How is this happening? It's a good thing I don't walk around saying how much I despise Joe Biden and wish he would pass away, like in a car accident, and take Kamala with him, which is ridiculous since they hate each other and would never be in a car together. Or that I think the government had a hand in the assassination attempt of Trump last summer in Butler, Pennsylvania. And of course JFK and RFK. And the drones. You know, true stuff like that.

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